
  • New Telephony System – May 2024
    We have successfully signed up to a new contract with X-On who provide an award winning cloud based telephony solution for primary care, that is Surgery Connect. We go live on 23rd May 2024. This new system has features that enhance the patient’s experience of interacting with our services, as follows: There are added benefits… Read more: New Telephony System – May 2024
  • Pension Credit
    If you’re receiving a state pension, you could be eligible for Pension Credit even if you own your home or have savings . In South Gloucestershire, there is around £4million in unclaimed Pension Credit – a benefit which tops up the state pension by £67 a week and opens access to lots of other financial… Read more: Pension Credit
  • Prescriptions before Christmas
    With Christmas fast approaching we kindly ask all prescriptions are submitted to the surgery by Monday 18th December . We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our patients a very Happy Christmas and a healthy 2024
  • Veteran Friendly Accredited GP Practice
    We’re proud to be a Veteran Friendly Accredited GP practice and to support our veteran community this Remembrance Day. We know that this Remembrance Day is likely to be particularly challenging for the many veterans in our community and we want you to know that we are trained and committed to effectively identifying and supporting… Read more: Veteran Friendly Accredited GP Practice
  • Invitations for Covid and Flu Vaccines
    We are now sending out invitations to all patients that are eligible for a covid and flu vaccination this Autumn. The vaccines will be co-administered and invites will be sent out in order of vunerability. Please be patient and wait for your invitation as we will contact you in due course.
  • Autumn Vaccines – Covid and Seasonal Flu
    We will soon be inviting all our eligible patients for their annual Covid and Flu vaccine. Appointments will be available on Saturdays and during the week in pop up clinics. Please support your surgery by booking your vaccines when you receive an invitation.
  • GP Online Appointments
    We are delighted to announce that any patient registered with the NHS App or Patient Access will now have the ability to book a GP appointment online.
    Unsure what to do when your child’s unwell? The NHS’ HANDi App has a quick, easy to use child symptom checker for all types of childhood health conditions and advises on how best to treat them. Developed by paediatric consultants you can download the HANDi App today by clicking on the following link:
  • Parking Restrictions – Rock St Car Park
    From Monday 14th November South Gloucestershire Council are starting work on a 6 month improvement programme in Rock Street car park (opposite Aldi supermarket). The car park will remain open but with reduced capacity . This will have a knock on effect to the surrounding car parks especially the St Mary Street car park opposite… Read more: Parking Restrictions – Rock St Car Park
  • Monday 19th September – State Funeral
    We will be running a reduced service on Monday 19th September with very limited staff. We will only be seeing patients that are already booked in . Our telephone lines will be off and we will not be accepting any walk- in or on the day patient enquiries. Should you need healthcare assistance on Monday… Read more: Monday 19th September – State Funeral
  • Patient Partcipation Group Competition
    We are looking for a new logo to go onto our new outside signage and we are very excited to announce we are opening this up as a competition to the people of Thornbury ! The winning entry will receive a £50 Amazon Voucher. The logo must be clear, simple and easy to reproduce Entries… Read more: Patient Partcipation Group Competition
  • Your GP Surgery Cares For You
    General practice in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire is changing. We want to make sure everyone can access the right support when they need it, whether that’s online or face-to-face, so general practice teams are growing to include an even wider variety of medical specialists. This means you may be offered an appointment with… Read more: Your GP Surgery Cares For You
  • Telephone Outage 21st – 22nd March
    Unfortunately a major telephone fault developed ay midday on 21st March. This has left us with only one operational incoming phone line. We have been promised that this will be fixed by midday on Tuesday 22nd March, but until this time, there is likely to be a prolonged delay in getting through on the telephones. Patient Access… Read more: Telephone Outage 21st – 22nd March
  • ORCHA – tried and tested Health and Wellbeing Apps
    ORCHA is a library of health and wellbeing Apps that have been tested and approved for clinical effectiveness, safety, data security, usability and accessibility. Patients can access this library directly here or clinicians can recommend specific Apps from the library to patients to help them take back control in self-managing their condition. The library includes Apps for… Read more: ORCHA – tried and tested Health and Wellbeing Apps
  • Severnvale Prescription Hub – St Mary Street Surgery go live date
    From 15th November 2021, all prescriptions for St Mary Street Surgery will be managed by our excellent Severnvale Primary Care Network pharmacy team at our newly establish Prescription hub hosted at Almondsbury Surgery. Please see below for further information.
  • COVID Boosters and 3rd doses
    Our local NHS is working on plans to quickly scale up our Covid-19 vaccination programme, including through GP surgeries. Our focus on vaccinating in the coming weeks may mean you will be waiting longer for non-urgent appointments. We appreciate your patience. As always, our team will be working hard to prioritise those who are most… Read more: COVID Boosters and 3rd doses
  • Flu Clinics 2021
    After some delay in the delivery of vaccines, we are booking flu clinics for the 2021-2022 flu season. These include weekday and some Saturday appointments. Please phone reception for further details. For information regarding eligibility, please follow this link. Like last year, it includes everyone over 50 years and some ongoing health conditions.
  • Coronovirus Vaccinations – Update
    Covid Boosters The UK government have announced a Covid booster programme to administer a third dose of Pfizer vaccine to selected individuals considered to be at higher risk. These can be arranged at a vaccination centre which will be in Bristol or Thornbury Health Centre (or at residential care homes). Please note these will NOT… Read more: Coronovirus Vaccinations – Update
  • Infection Control Precautions Post July 19th
    Thank you for your continued patience during these challenging times. Many of the national Covid-19 restrictions will end on 19 July. However, Public Health England’s infection prevention control guidelines will remain in place across all healthcare settings, including GP surgeries and hospitals. This means that everyone accessing or visiting the practice must continue to wear… Read more: Infection Control Precautions Post July 19th
  • New GP Partner
    We are very pleased to announce that Dr Sara Steet has joined the practice as a GP partner covering 7 sessions a week. She has been working with us since April 2020 in a salaried post, and has previous GP partner experience from working in Cardiff.
    This Bristol-wide webinar presentation about the national Covid vaccination was broadcast on 26th January 2021. The event, run by the Bristol Race Equality COVID-19 Steering Group, Bristol City Council and BNSSG Clinical Commissioning Group,  was opened by councillor Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor, with an expert panel discussion  chaired by Dr Jo Brooks.  Key speaker was Dr… Read more: COVID VACCINATION “MYTHBUSTING” WEBINAR
  • Information for Shielding patients
    The Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG website provides some useful support and resources for patients who have been asked to shield during the pandemic. This can be found here: BNSSG CCG Website – Shielding Patients
  • Organ Donation law in England has changed
    English organ donation law has changed to an ‘opt out’ system rather than ‘opt in’. This means that all adults in England will be considered to have agreed to be an organ donor when they die unless they have recorded a decision not to donate or are in one of the excluded groups. Your family will… Read more: Organ Donation law in England has changed
  • Clinically extremely vulnerable from Covid 19 patients vs. at increased risk patients
    We have experienced many enquiries about ‘at high risk’ letters that patients think they should or should not be receiving. Here below we explain the difference between those that will get a letter and those that will not. Clinically Extremely Vulnerable from Covid 19 The only cohort to receive an ‘at high risk’ letter recommending… Read more: Clinically extremely vulnerable from Covid 19 patients vs. at increased risk patients
  • Coronavirus
    The situation regarding this viral strain continues to evolve. The latest information on government policy on symptoms, self-isolation times and testing is available on: PLEASE NOTE THAT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ON-LINE GP APPOINTMENTS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED NATIONALLY. To manage increased demand and to manage patients safely in a necessarily distanced way, we have had to limit… Read more: Coronavirus
  • Severnvale Primary Care Network
    Under an NHS initiative for General Practice in England, practices are forming local clusters to promote local services. This will include an increased number of support staff and sharing of ideas and resources. Thornbury will belong to the Severnvale Primary Care Network (PCN) which includes The Thornbury Health Center practices, St Mary Street Surgery, Almondsbury… Read more: Severnvale Primary Care Network
  • Improved Access Scheme
    We are working together with other local practices to offer more appointments in the evenings. Speak to a member of the practice team to find out more.
  • Patient Text Reminders
    A texting reminder service is operation (“MJog”) for routine clinics where we have current mobile details. There is also the facility to cancel the appointment by pressing “cancel”. Please do not send any free text  as this will invalidate the response. We should be grateful if we could be informed of any changes to mobile numbers… Read more: Patient Text Reminders
  • CQC’s visit to St. Mary Street Surgery
    The Care Quality Commission visited us in February 2017 and awarded us a Good status. This followed some earlier inspections which gave us some areas to change, and we are delighted to document that these have resulted in the attainment above. The full report can be seen on We appreciate the kind words from our patients to… Read more: CQC’s visit to St. Mary Street Surgery
  • Patient Access Facility on Website
    Following a recent change in practice software, more functionality is available if the “Patient Access” web feature is used. Once an account is made (online), as well as booking a selection of doctor appointments where available, patients can make use of the repeat prescribing list (rather than typing in the names on the usual form), … Read more: Patient Access Facility on Website