Suggestions, Compliments and Complaints

We aim to provide a friendly, personal and efficient service, and are always keen to hear your views about the practice, positive as well as negative. If you have any feedback, suggestions or concerns about our service that you would like to share, please let us know by speaking to a member of staff  with whom you feel most comfortable speaking to.

If we are unable to help  you in this way and you feel we have not dealt with the issues you have raised, please write to the Practice Manager (Emma Williams).

E-mail address:  

The practice has a formal complaints process and information about this is available on request.  We would normally expect any problems to be dealt with in this way. If however, having used this, you feel that we have not dealt with the matter as you would have wished,  you have the option of :

  • speaking to NHS England who has responsibility for primary care in South Gloucestershire including GP practices, dental practices, opticians and pharmacies. People with complaints or concerns about a GP practice, dental practice, optometry practice (optician) or pharmacy will need to contact either the individual practice or the NHS England Customer Contact Centre: tel 0300 311 22 33,,  PO Box 16728, Redditch B97 9PT
  • alternatively contact the Healthcare Commission, Finsbury Tower, 103-105 Bunhill Road, London EC1 8TG, telephone 0207 448 9200

Or can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

0117 947 4477 or 0800 073 0907

Suite 15, Corum 2
Corum Business Park
BS30 8FJ

The South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has responsibility for commissioning hospital, mental health, community and GP out of hours services. People with complaints or concerns about hospital care can contact either the individual hospital or the CCG via PALs as above.