Together with the team of community midwives based at Thornbury hospital outpatients, we provide a full range of antenatal care services. The nearest delivery ward is at Southmead, but home delivery is possible for those selected to be at low risk of complications.
Pre-pregnancy counselling includes rationalisation of any medications, ensuring rubella immunity, advising regarding lifestyle, diet, risk factors, and taking folic acid.
Newly pregnant patients are asked to speak with the GP in the first instance, who then puts them in touch with the midwife. After an initial booking interview, and discussion regarding screening options, the antenatal clinics normally run from 12 weeks of pregnancy onwards at 4-8 weekly intervals at first, becoming more frequent in the final 8 weeks. A full ultrasound scan is performed at 20 weeks, and a birth plan is agreed toward the end of pregnancy. Those with co-existing medical problems or other risk factors are also referred for an obstetric opinion early on with a consultant.
Please note ANY bleeding or significant pain during pregnancy should be reported to the midwife or GP immediately.