Information for Shielding patients

The Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG website provides some useful support and resources for patients who have been asked to shield during the pandemic. This can be found here: BNSSG CCG Website – Shielding Patients

Organ Donation law in England has changed

English organ donation law has changed to an ‘opt out’ system rather than ‘opt in’.

This means that all adults in England will be considered to have agreed to be an organ donor when they die unless they have recorded a decision not to donate or are in one of the excluded groups.

Your family will still be approached and your faith, beliefs and culture will continue to be respected.

You still have a choice whether or not you wish to become a donor. Get the facts about organ donation to help you decide. 

For more information view the Organ Donation fact sheet here

Alternatively, visit the NHS Organ Donation website here

Improved Access Scheme

We are working together with other local practices to offer more appointments in the evenings. Speak to a member of the practice team to find out more.

CQC’s visit to St. Mary Street Surgery

The Care Quality Commission visited us in February 2017 and awarded us a Good status. This followed some earlier inspections which gave us some areas to change, and we are delighted to document that these have resulted in the attainment above. The full report can be seen on

We appreciate the kind words from our patients to the CQC inspectors on the day of the inspection and we value the continued support and loyalty from our patients. We always strive to provide excellent care to our patients – the recent patient satisfaction survey, the most part of the CQC report and the daily number of new patient registrations would suggest that we are on the right tracks.



Patient Access Facility on Website

Following a recent change in practice software, more functionality is available if the “Patient Access” web feature is used. Once an account is made (online), as well as booking a selection of doctor appointments where available, patients can make use of the repeat prescribing list (rather than typing in the names on the usual form),  see other details on the NHS National Patient Record Summary such as any allergy lists, and obtain certain test results.  Instructions are supplied on clicking the link on the practice home page.   If you are an existing account user and you don’t already have all the features listed, then these can be added on request to the practice.

Please be aware that the software is run by the national EMIS supplier rather than the practice, and any comments or difficulties about its use should be directed toward the support team (link via log in page).