Ordering your prescriptions from Severnvale Prescription Hub

From 15th November 2021, all prescriptions for St Mary Street Surgery will be managed by our excellent Severnvale Primary Care Network pharmacy team at our newly establish Prescription hub hosted at Almondsbury Surgery.

For more information, click here.

Methods of ordering:

  • Online via your ‘Patient Access
  • E-mail – bnssg.stmarystreetprescriptions@nhs.net
  • Collect a form from reception or use the last prescription form if possible (this is the list of authorised medications that was attached to your last prescription) and return to the Surgery using the black prescriptions letter box by the front door –  these will then be scanned over to the hub
  • Post to Severnvale Prescription Hub c/o Almondsbury Surgery, Sundays Hill, Bristol, BS32 4DS
  • Most of the Thornbury pharmacies run their own repeat prescribing service, whereby they re-order on your behalf based on your anticipated need. However if patients top up from other sources or from the surgery, then unnecessary medicines may be dispensed.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not take prescription requests by telephone. If you think you need a different or new prescription, and you would like to speak to a doctor rather than take an appointment, then we can book you a telephone consultation.

To avoid mistakes or inconvenience when repeat prescriptions are requested, please follow these guidelines: 

  • Please give 4 working days notice (this includes time needed by the pharmacist to prepare your medicines)
  • Please state which chemist you wish to collect the medication from (all pharmacists in Thornbury and Alveston collect from the surgery), or whether you wish to collect the prescription directly from the surgery. We are able to send most prescriptions electronically even to remote chemists as long as your NHS summary record has been authorised by yourself and is up to date. If no destination is stated, the default destination for the prescription will be Thornbury Pharmacy in the precinct.
  • If a doctor needs to review or revise your prescription you may be asked to speak to a doctor before it is supplied.
  • The recommended quantity by South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group for most medication issued on repeat prescription is one month’s supply, in order to reduce possible wastage and costs to the NHS. Where possible, we compromise on 2 months’ supply where it is clear that the medicines are likely to continue to be issued in the medium to long-term.  It may be possible to issue 3 months’ supply in limited circumstances e.g. going away, or some types of medicines e.g. hormone replacement therapy, or 6 months’ supply in the case of the oral contraceptive pill.

For a list of local pharmacies see the Local Services page.

Last updated: 18th March 2022