Information for Carers

Are you a Carer?

If you provide help and support to a partner, relative, child, friend or neighbour who could not manage without your help due to physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction, then you may be a carer.

Anyone can become a carer – children, parents, daughters, sons, spouses, partners and friends. Many people don’t think of themselves as carers; they just look after someone close to them. Caring often just happens to you, as you find that someone close to you gradually needs more help.

It’s important to let us know if you are a carer. We may be able to help you.

  • We offer a carers clinic here at the surgery with a Carer Liaison Advisor that we can refer you into should you feel you need some extra support.
  • We can provide you with a Carers information pack which includes access to a Carer’s Emergency Card.
  • If you find it difficult to leave the person you care for but need to seek your own health care, we can offer telephone consultations or e-Consult instead of face to face appointments.
  • As a carer, you are eligible for a free flu vaccination which we can give you at the Surgery
  • If you are between 40 & 74 you are eligible for a free NHS Health check which can help you reduce risks of developing serious conditions and help you to stay healthy

Carers do a vital job within our community and we are committed to supporting you.

Resources that you may find useful

  • Carers Liaison Service Leaflet. This leaflet provides information about the support available to carers through GP practices and in hospitals.
  • Carer Registration and Consent form. Use this form to let us know you are a carer. Print, complete and return to the practice.
  • How to help people with dementia. This is a guide for customer-facing staff.
  • This is me template. This template is for patients with Dementia. Completing and carrying this information with you will enable staff, carers and others to provide tailored health and well-being care to you.
  • Young Carers Leaflet. A leaflet tailored to support our young carers looking after siblings or adult family members, relatives or friends.

Carers Emergency Card

It is free to apply for a Carers Emergency Card.

Carers carry a card which shows their name, a unique identification number and an emergency phone number. If you have an accident/emergency then the card can be used to alert a 24-hour emergency call centre that the person you care for needs help. Steps are then taken to ensure the safety of the person cared for.

To apply, follow this link here.

Useful Contacts

Carers Support Centre – Bristol and South Gloucestershire

Website: Carers Support Centre

Carers Support Centre is a charity which provides support, information and advice to carers of any age living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire

Carers Line

CarersLine is a confidential phone and email information and support service for carers in Bristol and South Gloucestershire for you to ask questions or talk about any concerns about your caring role.

Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 10 am – 1 pm
Monday to Thursday: 2 pm – 4 pm
(Closed on Bank Holidays)

Telephone Number: 0117 965 2200

Email address:

Carers Direct

Telephone: 0808 802 0202

Website: Click Here


Office Hours: Lines are open 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday, 11am to 4pm at weekends. Calls are free from UK landlines.